
Sage provides MARC records for Sage Academic Books and Reference, Sage Research Methods, Sage Video, and Sage Catalyst in Secure Center. Log in to this system to download MARC files by collection, by ISBN, or update. 

Before You Begin

You'll need your institution's username and password for SecureCenter. Please note that each institution accommodates only one set of login credentials. 

Where do I download MARC records?

  1. Log in to Secure Center as the account administrator for your institution
  2. Click the Library Admin icon on the left-hand menu.
  3. Step To download MARC records specific to account content, please select the Purchased Content checkbox. 

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • The "Sage Research Methods Books & Reference" collection is the same thing as the "Sage Research Methods Core" collection.
  • If you receive messages after using the Download by ISBN feature or download a .MRC file only to find it empty, please let us know at our contact email below.
  • The MARC records include OCLC numbers.

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact