To link to a title on CQ Press using WAYFless, you will need the following: 

  • The URL of the required title
  • OpenAthens or Shibboleth set up on your institutional Secure Center account
  • The WAYFless URL from your Secure Center account

How do I link to a title directly on CQ Press website using WAYFless?

To create the encoded WAYFless URL:

  1. Log in as an administrator in Secure Center and copy the URL from the WAYFless URL field. Below is an example WAYFless URL for an institution with the entity ID hidden:
  2. Find the target URL for the title you want to redirect to. For example, below is the target URL for a title 'Substance Abuse' from CQ Researcher:
  3. Encode the target URL in HTML format. An online tool can be used for encoding, this example uses the following: 
  4. Go to the above URL and paste the title URL in the left box as shown in the image below:
  5. Press Encode URL. The HTML encoded URL will appear in the right-hand box: 
  6. Append the HTML encoded URL in the right-hand box to the WAYFless URL copied from Secure Center and the direct link will appear as shown in the below image.
  7. This link will take you directly to the title. 

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact our Online Technical Support Team at [email protected]