Before completing the below steps, please verify with your LMS administrator that the appropriate SAGE LTI Tool is installed in your Canvas instance. 

In Canvas, how do I add an ebook or video to my course?

  1. Log in to Canvas with your username and password
  2. Click to the +Module if you don't already have a module listed
  3. Enter a module name and click the Add Module button
  4. Inside the new module, click the button next to the plus (O with a slash) to publish the module. This should turn it to a green circle with a check
  5. Click the + button next to the green circle icon
  6. Add External Tool
  7. Select the appropriate SAGE tool from the list
  8. Use the filters and the search box to find the ebook or video you'd like to link to
  9. Click the Add To Import List button next to each item you'd like to add. Keep in mind that some results may include entire works, while others may link to individual chapters within larger works
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until you have added all the items you would like
  11. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Go To List
  12. When your list is ready, click Import to LMS. Or click Back to Search to add items.
  13. When you're finished, you'll return to the Add Item screen with a pink warning message. Ignore the warning and click the blue Add Item button
  14. Back in your Canvas Modules area, click the O with a slash icon to publish the item or items you added. A green circle with a check will appear to indicate it's published

For further assistance, please contact [email protected]